For Sale. Izzy Born 3/11/20 Blue Born 3/5/21 Haley Born 3/26/21 Ollie Born 1/16/18 Equipment Included Ripple, Buckling (SOLD) Born 4/5/24 Woody, Buckling (SOLD) Born 3/25/24 Ash, Buckling (SOLD) Born 3/25/24 Maple (SOLD) Maple(R1) Is a large girl following in her moms footsteps. She was born 3/19/23. Mom
What to do with a Rooster
It never seems to fail. You head over to your local feed store to pick up you new chicks. The chicks are labeled pullets, which means they are supposed to be females. But sure enough as the chicks turn into hens, you realize you have a rooster. Roosters don’t lay eggs, they can be aggressive
SUNNY (Retired) (reg# N1794093) Sunny was born 3/10/16. She comes from an impressive lineage that includes: “Kastdemur’s Prince Carnival,” “Fox’s Pride KPC Batchlorparty” and “CH Fox’s Pride Gypsy’s Aurora”
PEARL (Retired) (reg# AN1862142) Pearl is the Queen of our Nubian does and she so knows it… Her lineage includes “SGCH Gladstone’s Light on.”
Beyond the Basics: Herb Goat Cheese Stuffed Chicken Breast
This is our first year milking Nubian goats. I was worried that we would end up with more milk than we knew what to do with and our girls did not disappoint. Now that babies are weaned we are getting almost two gallons a day! So what do we do with all that fresh,