Molting Chickens
The other day while working in the barn I heard my boyfriend call my name in that concerned voice of his. As I stepped out in the blistering cold winter air, my boyfriend was walking towards me with an all but bald chicken in his arms. “What’s wrong with her?” His worried face searched
Homesteading in the real world…
What is homesteading? It’s a term you hear more and more these days but what exactly does it mean? The basic concept of homesteading is a back to basics approach to living. It may involve growing your own food, or making your own items or even going completely off the grid. In today’s
The Many Uses for Dandelion
Dandelions…they are everywhere this time of year. Not long ago, Dennis would be pulling his hair out trying to rid his pristine lawn of those rascally weeds. Then we bought a farm…and got goats…and started dabbling in making our own soaps, creams and salves. And we found out those pesky weeds are actually beneficial. Goats
Roasted Leg of Lamb
Roasted Leg of Lamb If there’s one thing we’ve come to appreciate it’s having a freezer full of fresh meat. Most of the meat in our freezer is locally raised or, better yet, raised by us. We’ve been experimenting with our fresh lamb for the last couple of months. One of the best things we
Easter and the Month of March
It never fails. Just when you think you have your chaos all straightened out, fate has a way of throwing a monkey wrench into the whole thing. March was already going to be a busy month. We are measuring out and planning our new barn. Since we brought home three new goats in the
Raising Chickens for Free Eggs
If we raise them, I can sell them…that’s the message I gave to Dennis when he hesitated about getting layer hens. He worried that if I bought too many chicks we’d have an abundance of eggs with no way to get rid of them. Silly man. Truth is people LOVE fresh eggs and with the
What is Homesteading?
Do you ever feel “disconnected” from life? Ever get tired of the nine to five rat race? Ever wonder if there was more to life than a daily routine? Do you want to be more connected to your food? Enjoy farmers’ markets? Like to cook from scratch? If keeping up with the Jones’ is getting
Why Raise Chickens?
I have been raising chickens on and off since I was thirteen years old. As my boyfriend and I are embarking on this “be more sustainable” venture, chickens are the perfect choice to start with. In fact, if you have even a little bit of yard and are interested in being more sustainable, chickens